16,55 KM
ZLATNI MUMIO je najkompleksniji ljekoviti preparat nastao isključivo prirodnim putem u prirodnoj interakciji biljnih i životinjskih organskih ostataka.
Sadrži oko 50 organskih jedinjenja apsolutno prirodnih – aminokiseline, minerali i vitamini i zato se smatra najsnažnijim bioeliksirom koji jača odmbrambene moći organizma i utiče na saniranje mnogih ozbiljnih oboljenja.
1. Vrlo je efikasan i za regeneraciju koštanog tkiva, osteoporoze i artroze i brže zarastanja rana.
2. Veoma efikasno sanira sve vrste neuralgija i obnavlja nerve, a naročito je dragocjen ljudima sa veoma bolnim zapaljenjem korijena spinalnog živca, išijasa, osteoarritisa i zapaljenja nerva lica.
3. Najraširenija upoteba mumia je za jačanje oslabljenog imuniteta kao uzroka bolesti jer podstiče organizam da proizvodi maksimalan broj T- ćelija radi dostizanja punog imunološkog kapaciteta organizma u sprječavanju i lječenju bolesti.
4. Veoma dobri rezultati se postižu u lječenju alergijske bronhijalne astme jer podstiče stvaranje imunuh ćelija.
5. Zahvaljujući velikoj količini željeza u prirodnom obliku,mumio se preporučuje kao izuzetno rješenje za anemiju.
6. Ima dokaza da stimuliše regenerativne procese kod infarkta miokarada, kao i da ubrzava obnavljanje svih mišićnih, koštanih i nervnih tkiva.
7. Potvrđeno je antikoagulativno dejstvo mumia kao i njegovi pozitivni efekti na funkciju cjelokupnog kardio – vaskularnog sistema.
8. Veoma dobro djeluje kod čira na želucu i dvanaestopalačnom crijevu.
Sadržaj po 2 tablete (dnevni unos) i % preporučenog dnevnog unosa (adekvatan nivo) | ||
Pročišćena mumija , uključujući huminske kiseline |
400 mg 12 mg |
24% |
Slični proizvodi
Makeup for special events: shine uniquely!
A special day requires a special look, and bright makeup will be its highlight. Regardless of whether it is a wedding, a corporate event, or a romantic dinner, the right makeup will help you feel confident and unforgettable. An effective skincare routine starts with an effective cleansing routine. Far from being the overly aggressive detergents of yesteryear, today’s cleansers often have gentle, mild formulas that work well with the specific needs of different skin types, removing impurities and make-up residue without stripping the skin of its natural oils.
Make-up should harmonize with your outfit, hairstyle and accessories.
If you’ve been following Care to Beauty for a while, you that our specialty is French pharmacy skincare. These were the first brands we worked with and we continue to identify with their ethos–for us, there’s nothing better than gentle skincare products that focus on resolving skin concerns without disrupting the skin barrier.
If you’re looking to replenish your skincare stash with French pharmacy products at discounted prices, we have offers of up to 50%–time to stock up on iconic moisturizers like Avenge Tolerance Control Soothing Skin Recovery Cream, or rich lip balms like NUKE Rave de Miel Honey Lip Balm Ultra Nourishing and Repairing.
Here at Care to Beauty, we’re sunscreen evangelists: if you use nothing else in your daily skincare routine, use sunscreen. Sunscreen has multiple benefits, ranging from the cosmetic (it helps prevent photoaging and some forms of dark spots and hyperpigmentation) to the health-related (it’s our first line of defense against skin cancer). Between mineral and chemical sunscreens, tinted or untinted, in milky or creamy textures, or even gel-like consistencies, there’s a world of sunscreen options out there, so we know there’s one for you.